
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. I am an Applied Economist working on Empirical IO/Market Design, Education Economics, and Labor Economics. I broadly study market design policies in practice in the context of matching markets. My current research focuses on how dynamic considerations and imperfect information can affect the design of matching markets, change the performance of assignment mechanisms used in many countries worldwide, and impact agents' outcomes.


Working Papers

Dynamic College Admissions, with I. Ríos. [See paper] [See electronic companion]
Reject and Resubmit, Econometrica.
College Application Mistakes and the Design of Information Policies at Scale , with I. Ríos, A. Fabre, and C. Neilson. [See paper]
Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Political Economy.
Do “short-list” students report truthfully? Strategic behavior in the Chilean college admissions problem, with I. Ríos. [See paper]

Work In-Progress

Physicians' Occupational Licensing and the Quantity-Quality Trade-off , with J. P. Atal, P. Muñoz, and C. Otero.
Hybrid Dutch auctions and Toxic bonds, with N. Bozzo, T. Mylovanov, and R. Vohra.
The Role of Study Habits on Academic Performance , with with A. Affonso, A. Aucejo, and S. El Khoury.
Platform Complexities and their Implications for Application Mistakes , with I. Rios, M. Martinez , and C. Neilson.
The Effect of Automation on the U.S Labor Market under the Affordable Care Act , with H. Fang, and A. Shephard.

Selected Publications

Improving the Chilean College Admissions System, with R. Cominetti, I. Ríos and G. Parra. First place, Doing Good with Good OR - Student Paper Competition (2018). [See paper]
Operations Research, 2021.

Other Publications

Effect of Including High-School Grades Rank in the Admission Process to Chilean Universities, with A. Mizala and I. Ríos. [See paper]
Pensamiento Educativo, 52 (1), 95–118, 2015.
Hunter-gatherers maintain assortativity in cooperation despite high-levels of residential change and mixing, with K. Smith, I. Mabulla, C. Apicella. [See paper]
Current Biology, 2018.

Other Working Papers

College admissions problem with ties and flexible quotas, with R. Cominetti, I. Ríos and G. Parra. [See paper]


Ph.D. in Economics

2015-2021 University of Pennsylvania

Master in Management and Public Policies

November 2013 University of Chile

B.A in Industrial Engineering

December 2011 University of Chile